Home Reports


Along with our own research and group discourse, we aim to foster academic prowess through our repository of resources.
By compiling the most relevant and innovative resources from across the digital and literary worlds, we strive to close the gap of media understanding.

Smart Cities and Digital Equity

In this White Paper – “Why Smart Communities Need Digital Inclusion”, NDIA reviews what the term smart communities entail and how local government leaders are cementing divides if they fail to include strategies for digital inclusion and digital equity in their smart community plans.

The Digital Inclusion Coalition Guidebook

This Guidebook, developed by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance with support from Media Democracy, reflects lessons learned from six established community-wide digital inclusion coalitions.

Youth and Artificial Intelligence

Youth and Artificial Intelligence: Where We Stand by members of the Youth and Media team at Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, highlights some of the team’s initial learnings and exploratory questions around the ways young people (ages 12-18) may interact with and be impacted by AI technologies.

Closing the Human Rights Gap in AI Governance

In October 2019, Element AI partnered with the Mozilla Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation to convene a workshop on the human rights approach to AI governance, to determine what concrete actions could be taken in the short term to help ensure that respect for human rights is embedded into the design, development, and deployment of AI systems. This report provides a summary of the workshop discussions and includes a list of recommendations that emerged out of the meeting.

The Future is Now

The Future is Now: Science for Achieving Sustainable Development, is the first Global Sustainable Development Report prepared by the Independent Group of Scientists appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General.

Media and Information Literacy: Challenges and Opportunities for the World of Education

Written by Carolyn Wilson for the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, this paper explores media and information literacy and its importance to understanding democratic rights, active citizenship, and technological literacy. Filled with key concepts, sample questions, and additional resources, it is essential reading for both educators and the wider public.

Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI

On 8 April 2019, the High-Level Expert Group on AI presented Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. This followed the publication of the guidelines' first draft in December 2018 on which more than 500 comments were received through an open consultation.

With Great Tech Comes Great Responsibility

With Great Tech Comes Great Responsibility, a guide for college students and anyone wanting to enter the tech industry to help navigate ethical issues in the tech.

SDG Digital Inclusion Framework

This framework provides commentary and recommendations on how digital inclusion and digital equity initiatives can allign to and help accelerate progress towards UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Promises, Challenges, and Futures of Media Literacy

The Promises, Challenges, and Futures of Media Literacy addresses the “fake news” problem by evaluating the successes and failures of recent media literacy efforts.
