Media Ethics Lab


Established in 2019 at St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto, the Media Ethics Lab is a research hub that studies the ways that digital media practices and emerging technologies are marked by ethical issues and decisive political, societal and cultural questions.
Serving as a focal point for information related to academic programs, research, and public policy initiatives in the field, the Media Ethics Lab fosters open research, integrated learning, and civic engagement to explore the potential that information and communication technologies hold for enacting positive social change.

As new technologies continue to expand and deepen the infrastructure of our evolving human-technology ecosystem, it becomes increasingly obvious that digital media are profoundly altering nearly every aspect of the human ethos – self-expression, education, values, beliefs, needs, livelihood, enjoyment – and society at large.

Our Goals

Led by Prof. Paolo Granata, the Media Ethics Lab aims to foster the making of an intellectual community that serves as a source of knowledgeable energy and encouragement for future research connections in the field of Media Ethics.
It also aims to sustain a scholarly network, providing both an intellectual and social space in which to engage with issues of media and communication studies relevant to contemporary social realities and digital culture.
By reaching out to theorists, experimentalists, technologists, students, and the broader public, the Media Ethics Lab actively explores and stimulates the value of ethical thinking for research, learning, and civic engagement.

A major component of our research methodology relies on open and collaborative discussion. It is with this intention that we host periodical design thinking sessions that holistically aim to create a respectful, collaborative platform for bridging gaps evident in our contemporary digital media landscape. Participants are encouraged to sketch a picture of current opportunities and challenges for human well-being, as well as put forward innovative solutions for improving digital media environments in the future. The design thinking sessions serve both as the springboard for a larger media ethics dialogue and as a blueprint for future discussion and innovation in the field.

Research Areas

Our current research efforts are centered around Digital Equity, Digital Cities, and Digital Literacy. We bring an interdisciplinary and multi-faceted approach to these topics, through our 3 pillars of action:

  • Open Research
  • Integrated Learning
  • Civic Engagement.

Over the past few years, emerging technologies and unforeseen digital media practices have given rise to ethical issues, political and societal questions of critical importance to our evolving future. It's time to explore new ethical perspectives and sustainable frameworks to underpin the building blocks of our human-technology ecosystem.

Paolo Granata

Media Ethics Lab, Director

Global Goals

All of the Media Ethics Lab’s efforts to better understand and improve digital realms such as digital cities, equity and literacy are done in support of the UN’s sustainable development goals.

Our Network

Our associate partner organizations beyond academe include the Mozilla Foundation, the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.

...and you!

If you run an organization, university program or learning community, we want to hear from you. We’re passionate about sharing our knowledge on experiential learning and the charrette methodology with you. Our minds are open to whatever future project you want to discuss with us, and we look forward to growing our community with you.