OPEN CALL: Advancing SDGs @UofT

Are you an undergraduate or graduate student, passionate about the UN Global Goals, or do you know someone who is? We want to hear from you!


Join us for a day of design thinking where we will explore opportunities for pursuing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) right here at UofT!

The aim is to grow on existing initiatives, form new partnerships, and essentially produce a blue print for advancing the UN Global Goals at UofT in areas ranging from integrated learning to open research, and civic engagement. 

Who’s involved?

This event is calling specifically on UofT students (undergrad and graduate), and especially those interested in engaging with social, humanitarian, environmental, and economic objectives — refresh yourself on the 17 SDGs at 

The charrette

A major component of this event relies on the charrette methodology — a charrette being a collaborative and creative process that brings together stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to ideate, design and prototype ideas. Through intensive brainstorming and guided discussion, participants are encouraged to use system and design thinking techniques to gain new perspectives that generate unique results. Participants will divide into three working groups, each focused on a unique research question concerning SDGs.

  • The first group will discuss UofT’s impact on the SDGs, or how UofT can work to advance the global SDG’s and build a better future for everyone.
  • The second group will brainstorm the SDGs impact on UofT, and how awareness and application of the Global Goals can improve the University.
  • The third group will focus their thinking on Toronto as a city, localizing the Global Goals within our urban landscape, and exploring the importance of urban sustainable development… being the University “for” Toronto!

Following the event, we will prepare a report that will be equally a summary of the charrette findings but also a blueprint for future discussion in the field.

Presented by the Media Ethics Lab at St. Mike’s in collaboration with the School of Cities, this event aims to create building blocks for the SDGs at UofT. It’s in our pedagogical mandate to further student engagement and so we hope this event will enhance collaborative and interdisciplinary learning as well as connect you with a bright community of like-minded and progressive individuals.

When: Saturday, February 29th, 2020
Where: School of Cities, Myhal Centre